0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable:. About the 0FI_AR_4 / 0FI_AR_30 Datasource . This explains how to convert from using the old extraction procedure (DataSources 0FI_AP_3 and 0FI_AR_3) to the new one (DataSources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_AR_4). sap links, I found that this field is based on the followiing fields from the BSEG table:Most important BW Extractors for Base Tables For Fi Datasources # BW DATASOURCE Description Application; 1 : 0FI_GL_4: General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction FI - General Ledger Accounting: 2 :. 0FI_AP_4 extracts data from the table BSIK (Open Items) and BSAK (Cleared Items). You may choose to manage your own preferences. This extractor is taking too long to extract data from ECC and load performance is becoming poor by the day. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure and definition. 0FI_GL_4 writes the entries into the time stamp table BWOM2_TIMEST in the SAP R/3 System with a new upper limit for the time stamp selection. Search for additional results. Quantity in the corresponding stock table. 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 in any order. Before a new data request can be made in the update. This is an issue in PowerCenter 9. 0B, based on. Days for Cash Discount 1. 0B. If a data inbound layer persistence and/or a corporate memory persistence is used, the transformation from this DataStore object (advanced) to the InfoSource directly assigns the fields of the DataStore object to the InfoSource. About the 0CO_OM_CCA_3 Datasource . And the INIT delta load time stamps details are stored in BWOM2_TIMEST table. I tried to do an OSS note search and was not able to find anything that could help me. Thanks in advance. I would also like to have. Source Tables (Function Module): BWFIAA_EXTRACT_DELTA (Function Module). Document Amount WRBTR BSIK 0FI_AP_4 -WRBTR. 2 SAP BW 3. 0. Technical Data. Answer. This InfoSource is based on DataSource 0FI_GL_14. We try to find which R3 table contains this field, but fail to find it. For Datasource: 0CO_OM_OPA_6 - For table COEP, the index 4 was activated on ALL DATABASE SYSTEMS. This table covers field in General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL), Asset Accounting (FI-AA), Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) and the Material Ledger (CO-PC-ACT). BTE used is 00005011. The details: Billing Doc: 9001, Accounting Doc. A New Home in New Year for SAP Community: Exciting times ahead for the SAP Community!You found some of the items are missing during FULL loading for datasource 0FI_AP_4 even though they are in table BSAK. 2420714-FI delta initialization ends. This DataSource extracts Accounts Receivable Accounting line items from tables BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. Related content. (FI-GL/AP/AR) - Data Source: 0FI_AA_12. During delta extraction, only those entries are selected that belong to posting runs started. About the 0FI_AP_4 / 0FI_AP_30 Datasources . This InfoSource is based on DataSource 0FI_AA_11. Document currency. Source System for R/3 Entry* 0GN_R3_SSY. Name. The extractor reads from the depreciation posting run table, ANLP. I need help to understand one of the field from the Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation - 0FI_AP_4 datasource. 6B. Hope this helped. When loading data for 0CUST_SALES_LKDH_HIER using DTP, the following exception pops up in the DTP monitor: Exception occurred in line 282 of include CL_RODPS_DATASOURCE_CURSOR====CM009 (program CL_RODPS_DATASOURCE_CURSOR====CP) Meanwhile, the log of ODQR job in the. So you can use 0FI_AP_4. Accounting tables are BKPF / BSEG. The DataSources can then be used independently of one. But there is a new EHP3 package as SAP has released 0FI_AP_30 datasource in replacement of 0FI_AP_4. 1 (BW Release 3. GL Data Source 0FI_GL_4 31 AR Data Source 0FI_AR_4 33 AP Data Source 0FI_AP_4 35 HR Data Source 0HR_PA_1 (Personnel Actions) 36 HR Data Source 0HR_PA_BN_1 (Benefits) 37 HR Data Source 0HR_PY_1 (Payroll Data) 37 Material Movements (Stock initialization) 2LIS_03_BX 38 Material Movements from Inventory Management. About the 0CO_OM_CCA_3 Datasource . As stated in the blog 0FI_*_4 data sources needs additional settings in BWOM_SETTINGS table to facililate the multiple data delta loads in a day. Tables/ Tcodes to check the timestamp maintained for FI datasources. Control table for calculation of interest on arrears: KNKKF1: Credit Management: FI Status Data: T691C: Credit management group names: KNKKF2: Credit Management: Open Items by Days in Arrears: T000CM: Client-specific FI-AR-CR settings: T045L: Charges table for bill/ex. SAP S/4 Hana; SAP Financials; Product. Acc Doc No (BELNR) is in BSEG Table, but record is NOT in 0FI_AP_4 Extrctr. Cost Centers: Actual Costs Delta Extract. 0FI_GL_4 Enhancement from BSEG Table. It differs also from 0FI_GL_14 in that it pulls from more tables. The article explains the step by step procedure for the DataSource Enhancement without using ABAP Code for the standard FI_GL/AR/AP extractors. 2lis Datasources;Mapping Tables and Drill to Source. Sd Standard Reports Bw Datasources in SAP. You also have the option of using DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. Technical name: 0FI_AP_4 Technical Data Use This DataSource extracts Accounts Payable Accounting line items from tables BSIK (open items) and BSAK (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. On the S/4 HANA cloud home page, Search for the “Custom CDS View” App as shown: Click on the App displayed. DataSources 0FI_AR_3 and 0FI_AP_3 , can be replaced. The key is the Company Code & Profit Center. 0 There will be a planned 2-hour downtime on Sunday, Sept. IN BSIK table there is no data in EBELN field . 2 Add-On. Apply source code corrections mentioned in OSS note 1424403. AS03. "0FI_AP_50 Base Table : PAYR. Cash discount base. By default this object has been created according to the DataStore Object. 0FI_AP_51. g 0FI_AP_4, etc) and compatible BI content (0FIAP_O03, 0FIAP_C03) and even a query (0FIAP_C02). We've tried BKPF, BSEG, and PAYR, not successful. This Invoice masterdata is getting data from 0FI_AP_4 datasource. Thanks for your answer to 0FI_AP_4. SAP BW data source 0FI_AR_3/4 calculates the net due date using the function module DETERMINE_DUE_DATE from fields ZFBDT, ZBD1T, ZBD2T, ZBD3T, BLDAT, KOART,. Jan 24, 2013 at 09:17 AM. RSS Feed. It contains the complete history of the loaded data. Base Tables ANLP TCode AS03 AW01N Delta DataTable BWFIAA_AEDAT_TR. About the 0CO_OM_CCA_9 Datasource . Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. The delta time stamp is in table ROOSGENDLM. Features of the InfoSource. Right now in my company there are using 0FI_AP_4 datasource as an Invoice masterdata. Collecting the object again or re importing the request will not correct the problem. Hello All, I need to find the timestamp maintained in the system for the following datasources: 0FI_GL_10 0FI_GL_4 0FI_AP_4 0FI_AR_4 0CO_OM_OPA_6 And also if we can change the timestamp to a lesser in. The details: Billing Doc: 9001, Accounting Doc. About the 0FI_AR_4 / 0FI_AR_30 Datasource . 0fi Ar 4 Base Ecc Table BW Datasources Most important BW Extractors for 0fi Ar 4 Base Ecc Table # BW DATASOURCE Description Application; 1 :. FI-AP Data Extraction to BW using 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AP_6 and 0FI_AP_7 DataSources. The Account Type in SAP FI defines the type of SAP Account The field in SAP Table is BSIS-KOART for Acct type in SAP. Pints will be. Base Unit of Measure RRUNIT UNIT 3 T006: 56 RIUNIT FINS_RIUNIT UNIT 3 T006: 57 QUNIT1 FCO_QUNIT1 UNIT 3 T006: 58. Extractor Structure : DTFIAP_3 Source Tables : BWFID_GET_FIAP_ITEM. About the 0CO_OM_CCA_9 Datasource . when we go to SAP NetWeaver 2004s to replicate the datasources, i went to source system and after. 0A makes consistent data extraction in the delta method possible for line items in General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) and selected subsidiary ledgers (Accounts Receivable FI-AR and Accounts Payable FI-AP). For the General Ledger, the selection is made from the tables BKPF and BSEG, while selection for the subledgers is made from tables BSID/BSAD (Accounts Receivable) and BSIK/BSAK (Accounts Payable). Introduction: In many BW Projects, we have seen that most of the time we need to enhance the standard FI_GL/AR/AP extractors and pull the data apart from the base/origin tables on certain Business logic/requirement. 7; SAP ERP Central Component; SAP ERP; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP. Safety interval by application . BSEG. SAP. Relevancy Factor: 30. 0FI_GL_11: General Ledger: Balances of Leading Ledger via Line Items: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_7: General Ledger Cost of Sales Ledger via Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_20: G/L Accounts: Transaction Figures: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_TX_4: Taxes: Line Items by Means of Delta Extraction: FI. WRSHB Foreign currency amount (+/-) BSIK,. Message no. Append extractor 0FI_GL_14_APPE is used to provide the corresponding fields in BI. Now my question is do we need to add DSO 0FIAP_O03 in between 0FI_AP_30 and 0FIAP_C30. In the simplest case, a key figure is a numeric field in a database table. for Infosource 0fi_ar_4 - 2 : BSID: Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers FI - Financial Accounting: Transparent Table 3 : BSAD:4. This DataSource is delta-compatible (in contrast to 0FI_GL_1). 4. 6 or higher. My requirement is to enhance 0FI_GL_4 with fields from BSEG Table. BKPF - Accounting Document Header. Thanks, Manjunath. BKPF is a standard Financial Accounting Transparent Table in SAP FI application, which stores Accounting Document Header data. Technical Data. In SAP NetWeaver 7. This DataSource provides Accounts Receivable Accounting line items from tables BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. The extraction procedure delivered with BW Release 2. About the 0CO_OM_CCA_3 Datasource . and the fields from different tables into one or use line item datasource 0FI_AP_4 and enhance and add all the fields into one? Please. Description. Is the extractor 0FI_ACDOCA_20 will contain plan data as well (i. The extraction procedure delivered with BW Release 2. Table. However, I've one doubt in the table you mentioned above. the problem is in the form of control of the delta of the datasource 0FI_AR_9 eg if run 2 times on the same day: 1º Execution: 200 records. 2, see OSS note 551044 0FI_GL_4 writes the entries into the time stamp table BWOM2_TIMEST in the. In FI extraction 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4 are linked with 0FI_GL_4 in order to maintain consistent data transfer from OLTP system (it is called coupled data extraction, Ref OSS notes 428571). This table forms the basis for picking up records for delta extraction. SKFBT. 2. Moreover, you can use the DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately, without. The DataSources can then be used independently of one. SAP BW/4 HANA Modelling for ADSO and Open ODS, Extraction and loading of data from Sales Stats (0UC SALES STATS 02) and Mass Extraction Activity for FI-CA: BP Items, Payments and Payments Lot, Promise to Pay, Installment Plans, Settlement Documents, Returns and Checks. 0FI_TAX_4. Also can you clarify when the data is. The DataSources can then be. About the 0CO_OM_CCA_9 Datasource . (this is basic Idea). can you pls explain me how 0FI_GL_4 extractor works ? Full Load : Does the extractor takes data from base table using function module BWFID_GET_FIGL_ITEM ? I saw this function module in RS02 . This DataSource extracts Accounts Receivable Accounting line items from tables BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. Note: The below scenario is applicable only for the datasources 0FI_GL_4 (General ledger: Line Items),0FI_AP_4 (Accounts payable: Line Items), 0FI_AR_4 (Accounts receivable: Line Items) Scenario In BW, the delta extraction for 0FI_GL_4 from the source system can be loaded as per the processchain or infopackage schedule but. Now we've got a question for. 0 Support Package 18 – 2021-05-05 SAP BusinessObjects Financial InformationHi, I have an issue about 0fi_aCDOCA_10 Data SOurce : we couldn't extract record for non leading ledger. The delta time stamp is in table ROOSGENDLM. RUNIT. Thanks in advance, DavidIf no data exists for 0FI_GL_4, extraction is not linked to the General Ledger. (DataSources 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4). in next screen select tables and press enter. The performance of 0FI_GL_40 extraction is not good. Is there any simple way to follow. 0FI_AR_4: Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - Accounts Receivable: 0FI_GL_10: General Ledger: Leading Ledger Balances: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable: 0FI_GL_4: General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_AA_11: FI. WHT Tax Base Amount WT_BS CURR 23 9 WT_QSSHB Withholding tax base amount in document currency WT_BS1 CURR 23 10. Table of Contents Document History. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. And now, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_AR_4 will copy this new upper limit for the time stamp selection during the next data extraction in the SAP R/3 System. Corporate Memory: storage of all data records delivered by the DataSource for rebuilding the Integrated DWH. Payment Method Tables. For example Finance data extractor 0FI_GL_10 is Whitelisted with S/4 HANA, this means the data source is fully supported and will work with out any restriction. 0FI_AP_4 Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation Datasource Function Module : BWFID_GET_FIAP_ITEM. There are several tables that are contain Vendor Master related data which can be used for extraction to BW. Please check whether you were using 0FI_AP_3 / 0FI_AR_3 at any time in the past. DataStore object (advanced): FI-GL: New GL Leading Ledger - Balances (0FI_GL_12) - /IMO/CMFIGL12. This DataSource supplies the values of depreciation postings by period. For more information on the universal journal entry, see SAP Simple Finance, On. Now i got 2 infosources under the cube 0FIAP_C03 in which 0FI_AP_3 is the old one and 0FI_AP_4 is new. 3085904-Offsetting account field (GKONT) in BSEG table. You will have to go to structure DTFIAR_3 and find include ' CI_BSID ' (it should be in bottom). The entered demand or assigned effort is added to or subtracted from the current values or it overwrites the current values. The data extraction in the delta procedure is possible for transaction figures from General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) and selected subledgers (Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) and Accounts Payable (FI-AP)) with effect from SAP BI Content 3. The extraction procedure delivered with BW Release 2. Activate following function with the help of BASIS Team,. With old G/L in R/3, the tables GLT0 (totals), BSEG, BKPF (Line Item) get filled in SAP BI side you should have to use data model. Map_CDC_Operation transform is used to transfer the DML changes in the source data and deliver it to the target tables. 0. 3281039-Data missing during extraction of 0FI_AP_4 in FULL loading. Currency key. Transformation. Data volume is not too much and it take hours to load it in BW from ECC. when I try to see data in Extractor of Datasource 0FI_AP_4 not . goto SE11 in R3 system --> give field name and click on where used list ( 3rd icon from left on top). RSTSODSFIELD database table, where as this table already has got this entry and unable to accept duplicate entry. ROOSOURCE. Instead if uses tables BKPF_BSIK and BKPF_BSAK for fetching data. After Image Delta: · FI line items are transferred from the source system in their final. Jun 12, 2012 at 05:28 AM. Hi Experts, Can anyone provide the based table names for 0FI_TX_4 data source? and can anyone tell. Enhancing 0FI_GL_14 datasource at ECC side in CMOD using Company Code,Document Number,Line Item ,and Fiscal Year from BSEG table and get the corresponding MATERIAL (MATNR) field. Vendor LIFNR BSIK 0FI_AP_4 - LIFNR. General Ledger: Transaction Attributes. Click on the “Create” button to create a new view. Extractor 0FI_GL_10: This extractor is having VALUETYPE field but it has only 10 (Actual Data). 1. Tax Jurisdiction Tables. As a prerequisite for using this note, you must have been using the old DataSources (FI_AP_3 and FI_AR_3) and intend to replace them with the new ones. For example Finance data extractor 0FI_GL_10 is Whitelisted with S/4 HANA, this means the data source is fully supported and will work with out any restriction. 0FI_AR_4 Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction FI - Accounts Receivable: 14 : 0CUSTOMER_ATTR Customer Number Logistics - Logistics - General: 15 : 0FI_GL_10 General Ledger: Leading Ledger Balances FI - General Ledger Accounting: 16 : 0FI_AP_4 Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation FI - Accounts Payable: 17 : 2LIS_02_HDR. On this way you could also enable ODP extraction for obsolete SAP standard. The delta procedure means that you can also load large volumes of data. Bank Details Tables. 2lis 13 Vditm Related Tables Bw Datasources in SAP. 11. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. Our objective is to enhance the DataSource 0FI_AA_11 (Transaction Data) with those attributes ATTR1 & ATTR2, but this DataSource doesn't have the Profit Center. ODQ Tables. Delta : takes only delta data from base table using function module BWFID_GET_FIGL_ITEM and poupulates in. Hello BW Experts. The Extract structure for the same is DTFIAR_3. 6 or higher. Asset Accounting (FI-AA) Available as of OLTP Release. Murali The task of moving all FM logic to SQL procedure can be huge depending on the implementation of FM, so to minimize your effort you can implement in SQL only BODS mappings/code and all remaining FM logic just call directly. privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. note:all should be run on a same day. Performance wise also standard ds will be faster than generic. The delta time stamp is stored in. This DataSource provides Accounts Receivable Accounting line items from tables BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items) in the R/3 source system. 0B, which is based on the DataSources 0FI_AR_3 and 0FI_AP_3, can be replaced. 0DOC_DATE. 1. There will be a planned 2-hour downtime on Sunday, Sept. ANLP. Transformation Rule. Can anybody tell me how to fine Database tables related to Data source. Esquimalt, BC. INCLUDE 0 17 RRCTY Record Type RRCTY. 0B, based on DataSources 0FI_AR_3 and 0FI_AP_3 , can. We've tried BKPF, BSEG, and PAYR, not successful. My understanding on financial extractors 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AA_11, 0FI_AA_12 are linked to each other when we run an INIT DELTA load. 0DISC_BASE. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. 0fi Ap 4 Table Tables Most important Database Tables for 0fi Ap 4 Table # TABLE Description Application Table Type; 1 : BSEG: Accounting Document Segment FI - Financial Accounting: Cluster Table 2 : BKPF: Accounting Document Header FI - Financial Accounting: Transparent Table 3 : EKPO: Purchasing Document ItemThis InfoSource contains the structure to provide new general ledger line item data to the EDW Core Layer. 0FI_AP_4 Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation FI - Accounts Payable: 15 : 2LIS_02_HDR Purchasing data (Header Level) MM - Materials Management: 16 :. 1 and earlier versions where the delta request does not fetch the delta data and we could also see that the delta queue is not updated on SAP server. That doesn't mean that all these documents will get loaded to BW. 4. The challenge is then trying to determine the direct relation between MM and FI. FI-GL: New GL Leading Ledger - Line Items (0FI_GL_14) - /IMO/FIGL_IS14. Nov 07, 2011 at 04:30 PM. Cumulative values and certain transactions, such as acquisition values and value adjustments, are calculated precisely by period from the transactions and annual values from DataSource 0FI_AA_11 , while posted and simulated depreciation values. Only fields that are relevant for the general ledger are transferred from the Financial Accounting document (BKPF and BSEG tables) to the BW. Abstract: This field guide insert presents the growth intercept models and tables available for use in the interior of British Columbia. So questions as below. We are planning to change the existing FI_AR line item load from current fiscal year full to delta. You specify for which period (start and finish) you want to change the distributed demand or assigned effort. privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. BTE used is 00005011. As of now the FI_AR_4 is full from R/3 for certain company codes and fiscal Yr/Period 2013001 - 2013012. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). INCLUDE 0 83 FRBNR Number of Bill of Lading at Time of Goods Receipt FRBNR1 CHAR 16 84. 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation FI - Accounts Payable: 8 : 2LIS_02_ITM: Purchasing Data (Item Level) MM - Materials Management: 9 :Use. Jun 18, 2009 at 02:34 PM. ①0FI_GL_4 (0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4 as well): The safety interval logic is implemented in function BWFIT_GET_TIMESTAMPS. This stops recording of changed line items in table BWFI_AEDAT. About the 0FI_AP_4 / 0FI_AP_30 Datasources . The extractor considers all data from the tables FAGLFLEXA (or similar customer tables), BKPF, BSEG, and BSEG_ADD. About the 0FI_AP_4 / 0FI_AP_30 Datasources . Please help me. CA$180 CA$200. In our example we have taken NETDT (Net Due Date) field from ACDOCA table itself. 11 starting at 11 am CEST; 5 am EDT. Vendor LIFNR PAYR . Hi, I'am working with FI-AP cubes. You can base a custom cycle for a patient in the Nursing, Service Management, or Medication modules on a standard cycle. About the 0CO_OM_ABC_2 Datasource . The DataSources can then be. We use 0FI_AP_4 to extract R3 data to an ODS. The new datasources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4 use a time stamp method instead of the BW Delta queue in the R/3 source system in order to determine the Delta dataset. Like the Standard SAP Accounting tables (BKPF – Header) and (BSEG – Item), the RFA FI-AP function type also has Header and Item fields in it. For more information, see Overview Page Obsolete Content. Table of Origin Field in Table of Origin /Remarks CURTYP Currency Type X 0FI_AR_4: Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - Accounts Receivable: 0FI_GL_40: G/L Accounts: Line Items: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable: 0FI_GL_20: G/L Accounts: Transaction Figures: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_6: General Ledger Sales Figures via. . To enable determination of the datasets, note 535016 must be installed in all. My understanding on financial extractors 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AA_11, 0FI_AA_12 are linked to each other when we run an INIT DELTA load. But the line Item extractor 0FI_AP_4 gets the data only from BSAK table. Former Member. 1257 Views. 0 onwards, the tables FAGLFLEXT (totals), FAGLFLEXA, BSEG, BKPF (Line Item) get filled in BI side you have to use data model. Dining Room Table. CPUDT is a field in both BSIK and BSAK, but system does not fetch data from these tables. The pointer in this table can be changed using FM. Ana Miranda, I suggest you to go with standard datasources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_GL_4, then restrict with items status (0FI_DOCSTAT) at query level and also, you have to work with RKF and CKF. We have current system environments as S S/4 HANA and BW on. FI-AA: Posted Depreciations. As of now the FI_AR_4 is full from R/3 for certain company codes and fiscal Yr/Period 2013001 - 2013012. ROOSGENDLM. Use transaction RSA7 to find records with the value U in the field. Table of Contents SAP BW/4HANA Content Add-On. As of Plug-In 2002. This explains how to convert from using the old extraction procedure (DataSources 0FI_AP_3 and 0FI_AR_3) to the new one (DataSources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_AR_4). Technical name: 0FI_GL_4. You can the table from which particular field is coming suing SE11. for Infosource 0fi_ap_4 - 18 : BSTAT: Choose Statement Status PY - Germany: Structure 19 : EKPO: Purchasing Document Item MM - Purchasing: Transparent Table The note contains the list of BW extractors which are fully supported, Partially supported and obsolete with S/4 HANA. About the 0CO_OM_CCA_3 Datasource . Append extractor 0FI_GL_14_APPE is used to provide the corresponding fields in BI. So for this field, it fetches data from. FI-TX. 0. You also have the option of using DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. This information is extracted separately (DataSources 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4). I have the below enhancement code for datasource 0FI_AP_4. RSS Feed. KE24 related tables to enhance 0FI_GL_14 data source. The DataStore object is supplied with data from both of these data sources: 0FI_AA_11 and 0FI_AA_12. 0FI_GL_10: General Ledger: Leading Ledger Balances FI - General Ledger Accounting: 5. The safety interval is defined in table BWOM_SETTINGS. 0fi Ap 4 Table Database Tables in SAP (41 Tables) This InfoSource contains the structure to provide new general ledger line item data to the EDW Core Layer. The extraction procedure delivered with the business content for SAP BW 1. This is an issue in PowerCenter 9. 2, it is no longer necessary to have DataSources linked. getting any data in field VBELN( which is mapped to info. About the 0FI_AP_4 / 0FI_AP_30 Datasources . In InfoSource 0FI_AP_4, the InfoObject 0DEB_CRE_DC is mapped with R3 field WRSHB (Amount in FC). Then at the BW side, during loading of 0FI_AR_4/0FI_AP_4 in the respective DSO, I can lookup the. 0FI_AR_4 Initialization - millions of records | SAP Community. The communication structures of the former InfoSource 0FI_AP_3 and the new InfoSource 0FI_AP_4 are identical. If yes, then you might need to apply some notes related to 0FI_3 / 0FI_4. 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable:The DataStore object is supplied with data from both of these DataSources: 0FI_AA_11 and 0FI_AA_12. note 0410797. If I want enhance AP_4 with PO Number (EBELN) and Item Number(EBELP) from BSAK table what are the steps I should be doing. Invoice Ref Num REBZG BSIK 0FI_AP_4 - REBZG. However, Business Content InfoCubes (0FIAR_C20, 0FIAR_C30 ) are connected. Disc. BWTAR. 0 This blog has been substantially rewritten in December 2018 to include information on how to retrieve fields from various associated master data tables like LFA1 and KNA1, and to clarify the steps for including the. 2. This DataSource is delta-compatible (in contrast to 0FI_AP_1). Today R3 people added one new accounting document type with 10 records generated. And also, there is a field "Amount Paid" in data source. 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 in any order you like. Contents: Introduction. check the help on the datasource, with luck you'll get the source tables: or go to transaction RSO2, and check what the source for the datasource is. note:all should be run on a same day. A delta load or delta initialization using an extractor-based DataSource with time-related delta pointer fails. Extractor activated in our system - 0FI_AP_51. 2B, which is based on the DataSources 0FI_GL_1, 0FI_GL_2, 0FI_AR_1, and 0FI_AP_1, can be replaced. If the initialization selections for any of the selected extractors are cleared, BWFI_AEDAT entries for the relevant Data Source(s) for this are also cleared from the source system. About the 0CO_OM_CCA_4 Datasource . 4. However, my confusion is when I read the help documentation. 0ASSET_AFAB_ATTR--0ASSET_AFAB. 0 . Introduction: In many BW Projects, we have seen that most of the time we need to enhance the standard FI_GL/AR/AP extractors and pull the data apart from the base/origin tables on certain Business logic/requirement. Related content. 0FI_AR_4 Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction FI - Accounts Receivable: 17 : 2LIS_12_VCITM Delivery Item data: SD - Sales and Distribution: 18 : 0FI_AP_4 Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation FI - Accounts Payable: 19 : 2LIS_13_VDKONDear Experts, I need to work on S/4 Embedded analytics where in I have to use CDS views and Expose them to Fiori using O data integration. You can also use DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. About the 0FI_AP_4 / 0FI_AP_30 Datasources .